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Writer's pictureCandice J. Frazier

TRUTHS THAT TRANSFORM Transcend the Criticism Within and Empower Your Truth

This is a poem I wrote to transcend the pain of loss and navigate my grief and get back to my balanced #bhadassbliss self.

Take each sentence slowly and digest it and invite into your heart: forgiveness.

Embrace the positive energy and absorb the wisdoms gleaned from my own ego death.

The truth bombs that I share are ones dropped on my house of criticism that empowered my truth and helped me to stop sabotaging my health and wealth success with my stinking thinking.

My wish for you is to have the empowerment tools to successfully transcend your pain and be transformed by the healing power of be love be now and be wow!

Truth is about not only speaking our emotions but also communicating through our thoughts. You know, those thoughts you think no one else will hear?

What if those thoughts or truths rattling around in our mind are actually powerful and can come to life if we believe them?

When we are little we don’t understand failure as an option,

As soon as our little bodies can get the motor skills, we are mobile and just as quickly as we learn to crawl, we relentlessly pursue freedom via our feet to walk.

Which is great because we need to eventually be able to leave home and do that whole adulting thing.

How often do we free our mind in the relentless pursuit of what we DO NOT desire? Or is that even such a thing?!?

It seems as a modern society, we’ve been conditioned through a blueprint for a disempowered mind and to perceive failure and loss as bad and punishment.

We are also not given a lot of instructions on how to manage our ego feels reactions and how to connect to our souls purpose.

Rather instead, we get the indoctrination to the corporate grind and keeping up with the Jones manifesto.


Truth bomb 1: Failure and loss are inevitable & out of our control ... HOW we react is 100% in our control!


part one:

Upon the dawn rises a new opportunity,

from sea to shining sea,

an opportunity for a new start,

as you step into feels of the heart,

and embrace ego,

as if it’s your best ally,

and soul aligned camaraderie.

~Candice J. Frazier


Be curious about where you are possibly not being your best ally in your souls journey.

Where are you letting ego bottleneck you and blind your heart?

Are you acting or reacting to the flow of life?

I invite you to ask:

How can I be more grateful and at ease in the lack of what truly I desire?

What is my souls calling?

Your longing is your calling. What is it that captives your attention and you lose time when engrossed in it? Since I was 5, I wanted to be an artist, author, nurse, truck driver and teacher. I long to explore and experience all that life has to offer and artistically express my journey along the way. In addition to that longing, is eagerness to elevate humanity and share the tools learned for others to experience health, wealth and harmony. As you can see, a traveling Health, Wealth & Mindset Empowerment and Soul Alignment Coach is what I was working towards this entire time of so far!


Truth bomb 2: Happiness can’t be bought!


part two:

If you obtain liberation from thought, rejoice in salvation from soul,

and rise above ego,

realize the truth that happiness can’t be bought,

but the tools the for joy can be taught,

so you should fraught not.

~Candice J. Frazier, Author


Be curious about where you are possibly taking your power and bliss away with your mindset and beliefs.

How can you improve your inner conversations with self?

Where are you letting ego interfere and create resistance in your happiness?

Are you speaking or hiding your truth?

Remember that you are the architect to your bliss through thought and emotions.

I invite you to...

Stop the riding the worry and fear bus.

Get mindful and listen to the intuition within.

What’s your truth?

Let me know if you get stuck!


Truth bomb 3: Stop fretting over what isn’t: your focus is making it worse!


Finale-part three:

Meet each day with glee,

eager to gaze with ease,

The delights unveiled by Creator for your eyes to see,

striving to be the best you can be,

with gratitude for the blessing

of the new opportunity.

~Candice J. Frazier


What are 3 things that you are grateful for?

What does best self mean to you?

Are you spending time daily in state of mindfulness as well as stillness?

Remember that you are the architect to your bliss through thought and emotions.

I invite you to..

Stop being so critical and embrace the you that is right here right now. Be Kind to You!

Get mindful and listen to the intuition within.

Ask yourself what if my wildest dreams were possible... what would I do then?

Do not let the unknown scare you or allow the ego feels to hold you back.

Transformation Tip:
Flipping the energy from nervous and fear of unknown to excitement and eagerness is the key.

Be ‘as if now’ the best you and epic dream life is already accomplished AND you are all wrapped up in the feels of that joy!


I am loved + I feel love = heart = creative state = LOVE=HAPPY=EASE


I am not loved + I feel sad = why can’t I have/be/do?= criticism/judgement =survival state= VICTIM + EGO= UNHAPPY= DISease

So as you see by this illustration:

your mental HEALTH is

your hearts WEALTH when

your thoughts are EMPOWERED & STEALTH.

If we are ever to shift the outer experience that is unwanted, we must first gain mastery of our inner game.

Our mindset is powerful and speaking and living our truth will set us free.

But if we continue to cross enemy lines of egos prison, we will inevitably remain vulnerable to capture by the disease and disempowerment police, and so without mindset mastery, parole will be denied.

You can’t Houdini your way out. Without the key to your truth, you’re doomed to repeat the trick that landed you in egos dark and lonely prison. Only you can find your truth and only you can turn the key in the lock of your minds prison.


Sometimes all we need is someone who is able to listen and reflect back to us the wisdoms we already intuitively know, but have yet to know them Intimately and embraced them as our truths as spoken words outside of thought.

My wish is that when you are ready, that the best person for your souls transformation will appear.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I am excited to hear from you and what the questions revealed for your truths.

Let me know how it goes for you!


If you want more transformational and empowering content check out my book:

NAMASTE AWAY AND THRIVE: Release Negative Influences and Love Yourself

It is full of inspirational and educational material that will motivate and elevate you along your transformation journey!

I believe we all should have access to healing and empowerment tools, regardless of ability to pay. Free information can get you a long way, but having someone help

you integrate and master that information is truly the best investment in your success.

Scholarships available. Sliding scale fees. Ebook and Book Namaste Away available on Amazon.
Free Digital Resources available for download on website.
METAMETAMORPHED: 7 Levers to BHADASS BLISS -Free Support Group forming now! Email your best contact information to be added to the Waitlist!




(Gain access to my free digital downloads before they are gone! Just simply visit the website and go to Resources Tab, download, and enjoy!)

(Gain access to my podcasts, connect on social media and more!)

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@TheDivineAlignmentSage (Mindset Mastery)

@HurtNoMoreHealer (Narcissistic Abuse Help)

@WellnessWithCandice (Wellness & Lifestyle)


Who is Coach Candice?

I am an artist, author, lyricist, speaker, empowerment coach, certified master transformation coach, certified health coach, life and medical assistant who loves nature, good food, art and music, and quality time with loved ones.

I am an Air Force Veteran and passionate advocate and educator for ptsd, domestic violence, sexual assault, narcissistic abuse survivors, codependents.

I also advocate/educate those who struggle with mental health, abandonment /rejection, self harm, alcoholism, unhealthy relationships and addictions and lifestyle diseases.

I am passionate about working with business women who struggle to find balance, feel bliss and freedom, while also taking proper care of their mind and body while building/running their home life and business.

I know all too well that feeling of guilt and regret cycle we can easily get stuck in.

I have the tools to help you get unstuck and stop that negative influence so you can thrive, truly forgive, rediscover and love yourself no matter what is happening outside you.

I am a tenacious, passionate, empathetic and creative soul who is on a mission to bring healing to humanity to create a happier, blissful world.

I have overcome severe limiting beliefs, codependency, lifelong traumas and loss, self abuse, addictions, autoimmune illnesses, chronic pain/fibromyalgia and beat anxiety and depression all through daily acts of kindness and radical self love through intentional self care and living fully present in the moment.

I have reset my groove, wrote a new story and built my own BALANCED BHADASS BLISS using the very principles I share in my books, blogs, and coaching sessions.

I guide and motivate others as they expand, elevate and transform. Once we understand how to clean our vibration of toxic and unhealthy energy through mind, diet & movement, we will Thrive!

With the incorporation of art, nature, self-love, and connecting to your vibe tribes, a total mind and body transformation is experienced.

Even grander a result of this is, that a community of conscious living is created.

This will help anchor in the new consciousness of unconditional love and acceptance of all to bring harmony to humanity.

Stay tuned!! My big vision and desire is to bring to life all of my poetry and upcoming books with those who need it on a broader platform.

The calling of my heart and soul is to make an impact by lowering the suicide and domestic violence statistics, as well increase the love vibes on our planet to end the violence, chaos and humanity’s disconnection.

Love is the beautiful spark of harmony within all of creation. ~Candice J. Frazier


*Self Love Alchemy Expert™️

*Certified Master Health/Life & Mindset Transformation Expert

*Life Skills Competency Educator

*Certified Medical Assistant

*Motivational Speaker & Author


Mind Diet, Balanced Bliss, and Kick Sugar Cravings, PTSD & Trauma Recovery Talks/Workshops, 8 Self-Love Gateways, 7 Steps to Now is Formula, 12 Steps to Freedom Addiction & Codependency, Unleash Your Balanced BHADASS BLISS

*Founder of Harmony For Nonprofit & * (and more coming 2022!)

*Global Like Skills Ambassador

Global Presence Life Skills Ambassador @ Parenting 2.0

*Women’s Empowerment Coach

*Founder & Owner of METAMORPHED

* Host/Creator of:


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